Peace Through The Pain of Illness


Having a disease or chronic illness makes it difficult to find peace in everyday life. You go to bed not knowing if you will sleep through the night due to pain, symptoms or just insomnia from it all. If you are lucky enough to sleep, it’s like ground hog day over and over again. Waking up to the same tune playing throughout your body as the day before, and the day before that, etc. 

Learning to fake some aspects become a part of daily life because you have built up a tolerance to pain most don’t understand, nor could they comprehend if in your situation. You learn to stop fighting the nay sayers, the stigmatization from your peers, family and even doctors. That is a battle all on it’s own that requires to much time, energy and emotional stamina that we just don’t have!

Depression, anxiety, and fear come along for the ride and you find yourself becoming recluse to the world, those around you and life in general. What people do not get is that it’s not the depression or anxiety causing your issues, it’s the polar opposite actually! The illness, ostracization and judgment from other’s cause more of the emotional aspect. Although, as you find yourself getting worse and new symptoms rear their ugly head, it can start you on a parallel path to the one you are already on.

Already in a battle to keep fighting the pain and symptoms already present that you have learned to some what mask when you can; here come more. More aggressive, more intolerable and trust me, it takes it’s toll. Not only have you isolated yourself by this point, now the tables have turned once again and it’s others isolating you. They don’t understand, you must be lazy, you need to get out more, you’re depressed, or they simply just do not want to deal with it, see it, or hear about it! 

Where does this leave you when you have no where to turn? More isolated enabling the depression to get worse and often times sadly, leads to suicide. You get tired of wearing the mask for the sake of others. You get tired of the judgments and you get tired of the 24/7 pain flares. You don’t know what comes next and the doctors offer no hope! It’s the same Hell day after day yet, others want you to be more positive! Does any or all of this sound familiar or can you relate?

Everything I wrote here, I write from experience and I write from my bed to which I have almost become a prisoner of. However, the verse in the heading ROMANS 12:12 says more than just the few words you read. REJOICE in Hope: there is Hope, believe me! Be PATIENT in the tribulation: ask God, talk to Him. It’s Gods timing and sometimes it feels like forever but He is already ahead of you paving the road! Have faith! God will never leave you nor forsake you! Be in CONSTANT PRAYER: prayer can move mountains. Having faith, being patient, rejoicing even when you do not feel like it gets God moving to push through for us. Talk to God, trust Him with all of it, then get out of His way so He can work. None belief, lack of patience, pride, so many things can hinder God working and that my friends only makes the process longer. Get out of the way and let God show you the glory of His work! 

While you wait, find others who can relate to your circumstances. Others you can fellowship and pray with to get you focused on God and not the issue at hand. As always; if you need prayer, reach out! Leave a comment I will be more than happy to talk to you! God Bless! NovemberRain…..

2 thoughts on “Peace Through The Pain of Illness

  1. You know I can relate girl! Thank you for being my understanding sister in Christ! You are a true blessing from heaven.

    This is am praying until I believe it completely in my heart and in my mind: “Lord make me as weak asi just be to avoid pride and as weak as I need to be to fully rely on Christ.” It’s a doozy

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